
Ovarian Cancer

Left Ovary Adenocarcinoma

Female, 53 years

Patient Internal ID: 19871676

ICD-10 code

C56 Malignant Neoplasm of Ovary

Diagnosis (Incl. Metastases/Stage) and Year

November 2015
Adenocarcinoma of Left Ovary, pT1cN0M0 Stage I. Disease progression in November 2018, Metastasis in Pelvic area. Disease progression in April 2021, pT1cN2M1 G3 Stage 4, PR+, ER+ Metastasis in Spleen, Pelvic Lymph Nodes. Disease progression in July 2022, Metastasis in the Lungs, Pelvis area.

Previous Treatment

Surgery, Chemotherapy (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin), (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin) + Biological Therapy (Bevacizumab), Biological Therapy (Bevacizumab) (due to bad tolerance), Chemotherapy (Carboplatin), Chemotherapy (Paclitaxel) and Biological Therapy (Bevacizumab).

Prognosis and Survival Expectation

The Metastatic Ovarian Cancer prognosis remains poor, with a median survival of ~32 months from diagnosis. The average relative 5-year survival rate for Distant Spread Ovarian Cancer is about 31%.

Treatment Provided

Autologous DCV (4 doses) and CIK (3 doses) over a period of 3 months.

Patient Survival/Condition and Year
Date of Review: 17/02/2024

The patient has survived for 7 years and 9 months since the diagnosis. The patient has not finished the Immunotherapy treatment, therefore no conclusions can be made regarding the effectiveness.