
Retroperitoneal Cancer

Liposarcoma of Retroperitoneal Space

Female, 60 years

Patient Internal ID: 276082054

ICD-10 code

C48.0 Malignant Neoplasm of Retroperitoneum

Diagnosis (Incl. Metastases/Stage) and Year

May 2017
Liposarcoma of Retroperitoneal Space pT2bN0M0 G4 R1. Disease progression in July 2017, Metastasis in Peritoneal Space.

Previous Treatment

Surgery, Chemotherapy (Doxorubicin/Ifosfamide), Chemotherapy (Dacarbazine/ Gemcitabine), Surgery.

Prognosis and Survival Expectation

Liposarcomas are relatively rare tumors. The prognosis for Advanced Liposarcoma remains poor, with a median overall survival of ~15 months.

Treatment Provided

Autologous DCV (10 doses) over a period of 13 months.

Patient Survival/Condition and Year
Date of Review: 25/01/2024

The patient has survived for 62 months since the diagnosis and 60 months since disease progression. It can be concluded that the addition of Immunotherapy, alongside Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy, has extended patient survival by an estimate of around 45 months.