
Locoregional Stomach Cancer

Stomach Body Adenocarcinoma

Male, 49 years

Patient Internal ID: 524150074

ICD-10 code

C16.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Body of Stomach

Diagnosis (Incl. Metastases/Stage) and Year

March 2016
Stomach Body Adenocarcinoma pT4aN1M0 G3 LV1, HER2 (-). Disease recurrence in May 2019 rpT3N0 LVI0 G3 R1. Disease progression in May 2020. Carcinomatosis in Pelvis area.

Previous Treatment

Surgery (Subtotal Stomach Resection), Chemotherapy (Cisplatin + 5-Fu), Surgery (Resection on Stomach and Esophagus), Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy (EOX scheme), Chemotherapy (Capecitabine), Chemotherapy (Paclitaxel) + Monoclonal Antibody (Ramucirumab).

Prognosis and Survival Expectation

The prognosis remains poor, the median overall survival for Locoregional Gastric Cancer is about 43 months. The 5-year relative survival rates for Locoregional Stomach Cancer are 35%. Median survival of Metastatic Gastric Cancer is ±14 months.

Treatment Provided

Autologous DCV (6 doses) and CIK (6 doses) over a period of 4 months.
Additionally, the patient received Allogeneic Umbilical Cord Blood Derived NK cells (3 doses) over a period of 1 month.

Patient Survival/Condition and Year
Date of Review: 01/03/2024

The patient has survived for 72 months since the diagnosis and for 17 months since disease progression. It can be concluded that the addition of Immunotherapy, alongside Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy, has extended patient survival by an estimate of around 3 months from disease progression.