
Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid Colon

Female, 54 years

Patient Internal ID: 582221397

ICD-10 code

C19 Malignant Neoplasm of the Rectosigmoid Junction of the Colon

Diagnosis (Incl. Metastases/Stage) and Year

December 2019
Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid part of the Colon pT4apN1aM0 pLVI 0 G3, Stage III, KRAS Gene Mutation (exon 2).
In October 2020 disease progression – Metastasis in the Lungs.

Previous Treatment

Surgery (Resection of Rectum), Chemotherapy (Capecitabine + Oxaliplatin), Surgery (Resection of Lung Metastasis), Chemotherapy (Fluorouracil + Irinotecan), Target Therapy (Bevacizumab).

Prognosis and Survival Expectation

The prognosis remains poor, with a median survival of 30 months from diagnosis and a relative 5-year survival rate of about 14%.

Treatment Provided

Autologous DCV (5 doses) over a period of 5 months.

Patient Survival/Condition and Year
Date of Review: 01/12/2023

The patient has survived for 42 months since the diagnosis and 32 months since the disease progression. It can be concluded that the addition of  Immunotherapy, alongside Surgery, Chemotherapy and Target Therapy, has extended patient survival by 12 months.