
Breast Cancer

Right Breast Carcinoma

Female, 50 years

Patient Internal ID: 822117688

ICD-10 code

C50.9 Malignant Neoplasm Breast, Unspecified

Diagnosis (Incl. Metastases/Stage) and Year

May 2020
Right Breast Carcinoma ypT0ypN0sn(0/1) LV0, ER(-), PR(-), HER(-), Ki67 – 70-80%.

Previous Treatment

Chemotherapy (Carboplatin/Paclitaxel), Surgery, Radiation Therapy

Prognosis and Survival Expectation

The five-year relative survival rate for patients with Localized Triple-Negative Breast Cancer is 91%.

Treatment Provided

Autologous DCV over a period of 12 months. Additionally, the patient received Immunostimulation of Interferon (IFN) β and Tumor Ne crosis Factor (TNF).

Patient Survival/Condition and Year
Date of Review: 01/01/2024

The patient has survived for 3,5 years since the diagnosis with no signs of disease. The patient is attending regular follow-ups. It can be concluded that the addition of Immunotherapy, alongside Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiation Therapy ,has benefited patient with disease stabilisation.