Meet the Specialists
Meet the Specialists

Dr. Adas Darinskas, Ph.D.
Dr. Darinskas is a highly experienced biotechnologist with many years of experience within the fields research and the application of cell technologies, immunology and immune therapy for cancer and autoimmune diseases, molecular mechanisms of aging, regenerative medicine, gene and tissue engineering. He is an expert in mammalian cell cultures, molecular biology and immunology.
Dr. Adas Darinskas, Ph.D.
2015 – 2016 – Master’s Degree in manufacturing of advanced therapy medicinal products,
specialization as qualified person (1 647 hours) related to the Master Program in Manufacturing of
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, Universidad de Granada/Iniciativa Andaluza en Terapias Avanzadas.
2008 – Ph.D. theses in Immunology, Vilnius University.
2002 – Master’s Degree in molecular biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vilnius University.
2000 – Bachelor’s Degree in molecular biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vilnius University.
- Qualified in advanced therapy medical product production and certification.
- Mammalian cell culture.
- Laboratory animal surgery and disease models.
- Methods in molecular biology.
- Xenogeneic normal tissue-derived vaccines for breaking the immune tolerance to tumor-
associated antigens, 2016. - Method of isolation stromal vascular fraction (SVF) cells from adipose tissue and their use, 2015.
- Osteochondral Repair and Electromechanical Evaluation of Custom 3D Scaffold Microstructured
by Direct Laser Writing Lithography.
Maciulaitis J, Miskiniene M, Rekštytė S, Bratchikov M, Darinskas A, Simbelyte A, Daunoras G,
Laurinaviciene A, Laurinavicius A, Gudas R, Malinauskas M, Maciulaitis R. Cartilage. 2019 May
9:1947603519847745. Doi: 10.1177/1947603519847745. PMID: 31072136 - Isocytosine deaminase Vcz as a novel tool for the prodrug cancer therapy.
Kazlauskas A, Darinskas A, Meškys R, Tamašauskas A, Urbonavičius J.
BMC Cancer. 2019 Mar 4;19(1):197. Doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-5409-7. PMID:30832616 - Stromal vascular fraction cell therapy for osteoarthritis in elderly: Multicenter case-control study.
Michalek J, Vrablikova A, Darinskas A, Lukac L, Prucha J, Skopalik J, Travnik J, Cibulka M, Dudasova
Z. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2019 Jan-Feb;10(1):76-80. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcot.2018.11.010. Epub 2018
Nov 23. PMID: 30705536 - Tumour lysate-loaded Bacterial Ghosts as a tool for optimized production of therapeutic dendritic
cell-based cancer vaccines.
Dobrovolskienė N, Pašukonienė V, Darinskas A, Kraśko JA, Žilionytė K, Mlynska A, Gudlevičienė Ž,
Mišeikytė-Kaubrienė E, Schijns V, Lubitz W, Kudela P, Strioga M. Vaccine. 2018 Jul 5;36(29):4171-4180.
Doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.06.016. Epub 2018 Jun 9. PMID: 29895501 - Post-operative unadjuvanted therapeutic xenovaccination with chicken whole embryo vaccine
suppresses distant micrometastases and prolongs survival in a murine Lewis lung carcinoma
Kraśko JA, Žilionytė K, Darinskas A, Dobrovolskienė N, Mlynska A, Riabceva S, Zalutsky I,
Derevyanko M, Kulchitsky V, Karaman O, Fedosova N, Symchych TV, Didenko G, Chekhun V,
Strioga M, Pašukonienė V. Oncol Lett. 2018 Apr;15(4):5098-5104. doi: 10.3892/ol.2018.7950.
Epub 2018 Feb 5. PMID: 29552144

Dr. Kristina Slidevska
Radiation oncologist whose main areas of interest are modern radiation treatment of oncourological and neuro-oncological patients. Other areas of interest: palliative medicine in oncology, control of pain and other symptoms.
Dr. Kristina Slidevska
- 2019 – Pain medicine. Introductory course (200 hours), KMUK;
- 2004 – 2008 – Secondary residency in oncology radiotherapy, license of oncologist radiotherapist, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University;
- 2003 – 2004 – General therapy residency, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University;
- 1997 – 2003 – Doctor‘s qualification, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.
- 2019 – present – JSC “Innovita Research”, doctor oncologist radiotherapist;
- 2008 – present – Public Institution “National Cancer Institute”, doctor oncologist radiotherapist;
- 2005-08 – 2008-05 – Vilnius University Institute of Oncology, physician-assistant;
- 2004 – 2008 – Vilnius University Medical Residency Therapy Department, resident doctor.
- Diagnosis and treatment of local and advanced oligometastatic and metastatic prostate cancer Vilnius, Lithuania, 24/02/2020, 2021, 2022 CME Credits 25 External beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer
- Lithuanian Radiation Therapy Union
- Lithuanian Pain Society