

Why choose and trust Innovita?

Whilst providers of Cell Immunotherapy are limited, you may be offered treatments (mainly DCV/DCT) from other organisations. So how can you compare these and what questions are important?

Below are some simple points that allow you to determine how the Cell Immunotherapies from the Innovita Group are differentiated from other suppliers.  These are the opinions of our Specialist Immunologists who have worked on refining protocols for many years.

Innovita Group own the GMP Laboratory, the Research Facility, the Clinic and the Blood and Tissue Banks. Innovita have Specialists including several PHD Immunologists, Oncologists, Radiologists, and other Oncology related disciplines.
Others may rely on non-specialists to determine your treatment and they are often run by “agents” or non-qualified, non-medical persons who just sub-contract your treatment determination and production. You deal directly with the specialists at Innovita and not through some “agent”.  Innovita have been treating cancer and auto-immune patients for over a decade.

Innovita have the widest range of cell immunotherapies available, and our specialists choose the right one for your situation and challenge. These include but are not limited to DCV, CIK, and UCB.
Innovita also take your current treatment program and compliment this with the chosen plan of Cell Immunotherapy.
For example, this means you will not be wasting the Dendritic Cell Treatment when on strong Chemotherapy as some others tend to err and prescribe together (this is analogous to swimming against a strong current).

Qualifications and Expertise:
Does the provider have a dedicated team of Specialists, including Immunologists, Oncologists, Radiologists, and other relevant disciplines?
Are the Specialists well-published in their fields, indicating a high level of expertise?
Are the Specialists directly involved in determining your treatment plan, or is it subcontracted to non-specialists or agents?

How long has the provider been offering cell immunotherapy treatments?
Do they have a track record of success and patient outcomes?

It is not always possible to take the patient’s blood for production (Immunocompromised etc.) and to do so in many cases can reduce potential efficacy.  Innovita can use Allogeneic Blood collection (direct relative, brother, sister, adult child, parent etc.) and these can most often produce better results for the patient. Most other providers cannot use this technique and our Specialists are published on its success.  The blood type does not need to be matched as HLA matching is quite sufficient in direct relatives.  Innovita has the license to use this technique.

Blood Collection Techniques:
Do they offer alternative methods of blood collection (such as Allogeneic Blood collection) to accommodate Immunocompromised patients or improve treatment efficacy?
Are their techniques supported by published research?

Innovita have a thorough GMP Laboratory Production Cycle which ensure that the Dendritic Cells are produced in good quantity and the highest quality and primed and tested and certified for Purity, Sterility, Quality, and Quantity.

It takes up to 4 to 6 weeks for us to optimise. Rushing this process and having these cells produced and available in 5 to 10 days is cutting corners and reducing quantity and potential responses and efficacy.
These dendritic cells may continue a “war” in your body against the cancer for a long time, do not rush and compromise this with convenience of early production.

Laboratory Quality:
Do they have a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Laboratory for cell production?
Are their cell products rigorously Tested and Certified for Purity, Sterility, Quality, and Quantity?
Is there a reasonable production timeline, or are they rushing the process?

At Innovita we have our specialists (well published Immunologists), our Laboratory and Research and Clinic in Lithuania.  This means that the highest quality comes at a lower production cost.

Cost and Value:

  • Are the treatments cost-effective compared to other providers?
  • Do they offer comprehensive treatments for the same or lower cost?

Our Specialists and Medical Team do not have time limits on supporting you and stay with you throughout your journey with chronic illnesses.

Each time your home medical system produces a scan report or blood test we will interpret these for you and advise.  We will also arrange regular follow up reviews.

Support and Follow-Up:

  • What kind of ongoing support and follow-up care do they provide?
  • Will they interpret and advise on your medical reports and test results?
  • Do they offer regular follow-up reviews?

Innovita have experts to guide you with Nutrition and Supplements. You can then purchase your own rather than be supplied readily available supplements repackaged, rebranded, and repriced. Innovita will also recommend other treatments to boost your Immune System.

Nutritional Guidance:

  • Do they have experts to provide nutritional guidance and recommend supplements?
  • Do they encourage patients to purchase their supplements independently rather than selling repackaged products at a higher cost?

Revisiting Dendritic Cells for a moment, our Specialists have a clear view that “One Vaccine” application (2 needles) is far less than optimum for the best response and Innovita provide a protocol over 7 weeks where 4 x vaccines (DCV) are provided in 4 times applications. Each of these vaccines has more quality primed Dendritic Cell than the single application others offer.

Treatment Protocols:

  • What is their treatment protocol, including the number of vaccine applications and timing?
  • Is there scientific evidence to support their chosen protocol?

Find out how DCT cell immunotherapy can help treat cancer

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    We encourage you to learn more about your condition and treatment options to make informed decisions about your healthcare. However, please keep in mind that not all information available online or in other sources is accurate or relevant to your specific situation. It’s important to rely on credible, evidence-based sources such as official medical websites, peer-reviewed publications, or information provided by professional healthcare organizations. Always discuss any information you find with your healthcare provider before making decisions, as they can help clarify details, address concerns, and ensure the information is appropriate for your unique needs.